Recipes, Plus more Coming Soon!
Sometimes there’s nothing better than a tasty, warm treat to hit the spot on that hankering you’re lookin for, even for me!
I’m a hopeless sweet tooth, always have been. As a kid, I was known to raid Mum’s high cupboards (which she thought was a great hiding place-how wrong she was!) to spy the violet crumble packet she had stashed away. Little did I know at the time, that using sticky tape to re-seal the bag wasn’t going to help me get away with the crime! We have two daughters and one is exactly like me, the other a savoury girl like her father.
Latte or Tea anyone?
Which one are you? I know there aren’t many of us that are non-coffee drinkers, preferring a chai latt’e-please correct me if I’m mislead. I personally love the Arcadia brand with Almond milk (a whole new rabbit hole) but hey, if it makes my tummy happy, I’m all in!
Nothing Better
And then there’s the moments you need to take while you have your coffee or chai and a tasty or sweet treat. It’s when you sit back with them and breathe, taking in what’s around you and saying, I’m happy.
I grew up with a wonderful Mum that treated cooking as a love language. It was normal to see her baking up a storm at eleven pm at night because there was someone in need or she just felt she wanted to do something to brighten someone’s day. Needless to say, when she passed away, my sister and I decided to remember this wonderful trait by having homemade biscuits in small bags for everyone that came to honour her. There wasn’t a dry eye in the place!