What’s Your Beverage?
Is it half empty … or half full?
It doesn’t really matter whether your favourite beverage is Lattè, Cappuccino, Chai, Hot Chocolate (with extra pink marshmallows) or any amazing tea you might find. What matters is how much is left.
And it’s all in your perspective. Having said that, I’m the first to admit with my hand up high that I feel a little sad when my spiced chai Lattè is hovering at half mast, especially on that rainy day outside where you’ve wrapped your toasty little fingers around the mug, comforted by both the aroma and warmth the delicious drink is sharing with you.
But regardless of how much remains, it’s about your approach. Do you enjoy it to the very last dribble, feeling delightfully satisfied OR discontinuing to savour your wonderful beverage all because half has already disappeared.
So, is your mug half empty, or half full? I want mine to always be half full.