Beyond The Bounds
Is the gate really shut?
Is the chain linked through the gate, or swinging freely? When you see a closed gate, is it really? Are our life options limited by what we actually see or only by what we can dream? Thinking outside the gate dares us to think broader, bigger and with bravery.
What stops your hand reaching towards the gate and opening it then? Is it the fear pain might bite you? Is it uncertainty? Is it that you’re comfortable where you are?
And if we dare to push the gate ajar, what lies beyond that we can get excited about? Every opportunity in life is a gateway waiting to be pushed open, for us to see what waits on the other side. The beyond can hold excitement, promise, apprehension, adversary, even fear. But if we resist going beyond, we’ll never grow into our full purpose and destiny.
Don’t miss your opportunity to reach beyond your bounds.