The Face only a mother could Love.
Just lucky …
They’re cute, funny, racy and drive their mother’s up the wall.
We’re lambing at the moment and I have to laugh. These little ones come into the world all leggy and dependent. And within a week, they’re straying further from their mothers to explore the great open paddocks.
Us humans are no different. It just happens a LOT faster with lambs. Our kids need us until they turn 10 … ish. Then their friends are the only thing that matters until they turn 19. We may get a look in every now and then, but I’ve worked out all we need to do is ALWAYS be there for them. We top up their love tank when it’s running low with quality time, advice or even just a hug. That’s all that matters.
And then they become adults with the responsibilities of the world on their shoulders. And all the hugs, love top ups and advice you’ve offered over the last 20 years suddenly become important.
Unconditional love … it’s sometimes the hardest thing to give, but it’s more important than anything else in the world. And they’ll love you for it!